Editor's review
This is a clipboard solution that can give you the option of up to 25 clippings at any time.
The limitation of just one clip in the Windows clipboard has always been an irritation for most. There is a family of solutions available to get around that problem and this is one such product. This is a tool that will let you store up to 25 clips and let you paste any one of them at any time. In addition, these clips can be images and the tool lets you capture parts of the screen and store that. The tool has built in features to let you o size and crop your screen shots as well as add text, clipart or freehand drawing to them. Images should be compatible with Bitmap, GIF or JPEG. The bulk-paste items are available for both to documents and spread sheets.
Some of the other useful features include auto-minimize, bulk-pasting, clearing the Windows clipboard, editing clips, reducing graphic clips, and keyboard pasting, etc. The interface is well laid out. Controls are easily accessible. The large window shows all the captured clips. There is a small window that shows the contents of the clip the mouse pointer is hovering over. Three buttons appear near the clip moused over. Clicking the email button will start an email with the email address in the clip. The web button, when clicked displays the web page where the clip came from and the dial button starts a phone call to be dialed with the number available in the clip. This is a good product with useful features. If you were looking for a product like this, this could be a good candidate to try out.
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